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HAIKATA Ruli " Portrait and Poem "

Exhibition view


For Mountain
Natural mineral pigments, Japanese ink, Torinoko paper
41.0×53.0 cm


Flower blooms
Natural mineral pigments, Japanese ink, Torinoko paper
41.0×53.0 cm

Plant note
notebook, gold leaf, pressed flower
9.0×6.5 cm


Gallery Artist

November 21 (wed.) ー December 9 (sun.), 2012
Hours : 12:00 - 19:00
Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays

About Exhibition

Artist Comment:
I grateful to you for coming to this exhibition.

I draw colors and lines carefully day after day and, as for me, they
are equal to petit songs, silently waxing light and simple situation
between strength and tenderness.

Whenever I draw picture, I try to create best work.
I believe that such a thought will make today brilliant and I draw
them wholeheartedly with a delight, a sorrow, a smile and a cry.
As best as I can, I express the beauty in my mind through my paintings.

I'm glad if someone receive message which my works are sending.

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